Bluepoint Leadership Development


The New Manager Toolkit: Essential Skills for Success

Did you know that according to Forbes, 98% of managers believe they would benefit from additional training? New managers are often promoted to their positions without the tools and skills necessary to take on their new role with confidence, leading to a high rate of failure.

How can you support your leaders in their new roles?

There is a big difference between being a manager and being a leader, and the first 90 days of taking on a new role can make or break their experience with the team and organization overall. Setting your managers up to succeed in a few key areas will boost their confidence, and can have a huge impact on their overall success.

This complimentary toolkit will empower your leaders to:

  • Develop skills in 5 key areas that are essential for new manager success
  • Gain insight into why those skill areas matter and how they contribute to success
  • Learn specific action steps that they can take to master those skills within the first 90 days of their new role
  • Reflect on a series of questions they can ask themselves to further develop in each of the key areas

Managers who develop skills in these areas and show a desire and eagerness to learn will earn respect from others and will be overall more successful in leading their teams. You’d be surprised at how something so simple can increase credibility and influence with a team.

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