Bluepoint Leadership Development

Eastman Chemical

Eastman is a Fortune 500, global, specialty chemical company that produces a broad range of products found in items people use every day. As a globally diverse company founded in 1920, Eastman’s 15,000 employees serve customers in approximately 100 countries, with 2015 revenues of approximately $9.6 billion. They have also received the Glassdoor Employees’ Choice Award as a Top 50 Best Places to Work in 2014, 2015 and 2016.

As a company that takes the Best Places to Work honor seriously, Eastman recognized the need to create and sustain a consistent coaching culture. Bluepoint has been instrumental as a partner in this organization-wide, global commitment by tailoring and facilitating the award-winning Leader as Coach workshop around the world. We also provide reinforcement application coaching services to the Leader as Coach graduates help ensure to focus on further developing and sustaining these behaviors.

Leader as Coach has been so impactful and well-received at Eastman that they expanded their commitment in 2016 with the creation of an annual, six month-long Master Coach program, certifying 12 Master Coaches to serve as internal corporate coaches with advanced coaching skills and expertise, adding significant value to Eastman as influential leaders and talent developers.

Bluepoint has also actively partnered with Eastman to enhance existing foundational leadership development program designs and materials with The Leader Within, the addition of the Leadership Express series, as well as providing executive coaching services to senior leaders.

The Bluepoint Leadership team and the material they have created bring a powerful experience to leaders whose time has come to elevate their game as coaches who can create an environment where others feel valued and can contribute at their best. Eastman Chemical developed a relationship with Bluepoint Leadership to help elevate coaching capability as Senior Leadership of the company became convinced that great coaching is a competitive advantage. The Bluepoint team brings excellence in workshop facilitation, account management, material design and support but the foundation of their ability to create a valuable partnership with any company is the quality of each person who we have the opportunity to meet and work with. They quickly connect to where it feels like they belong in your company, caring equally for your success. In addition to the Leader As Coach workshops, Eastman Chemical graduated their first Master Coach class in early 2016. The testimonies of the Master Coaches exceeded all expectations. Eastman Chemical is increasing the coaching capability of its leaders with Bluepoint as a capable and faithful partner.
Mark Hecht, Former Leadership Coach, Instructor and Executive Sponsor