Bluepoint Leadership Development

Bluepoint Selected as a 2024 Leadership Training Watch List Company by Training Industry Inc.

Bluepoint Leadership Development has been selected as a featured provider on Training Industry Inc.’s 2024 Top Training Watch List. This marks the 13th time Bluepoint has been selected for the prestigious Watch List’s Leadership Training sector of the learning and development (L&D) market.

This year’s selection was based on Bluepoint’s:
  • Breadth and quality of program and service offerings.
  • Industry visibility, innovation and impact in the leadership training market.
  • Client and customer representation.
  • Business performance and growth.

Training Industry Inc. notes that its Watch List is intended to help buyers of training services evaluate leadership development providers, by representing emerging or unique strengths and capabilities.

“The 2024 Leadership Training Watch List represents emerging and specialized leadership development companies that craft a unique experience for both their learners and their workplace,” said Tom Whelan, director of corporate research at Training Industry, Inc. “These companies elevate the learning journey by utilizing modalities and technologies such as coaching, instructor-led (virtual or in-person), simulations, assessment tools, microlearning modules and more.”

Bluepoint specializes in creating tailored leadership development solutions for different leadership levels, organizational functions, or development goals. Through expert guidance, Bluepoint empowers individuals on a transformative journey, providing them with essential tools, knowledge, and guidance to enhance their leadership skills and strengthen the organization.

Julie Henry, Director of Client Services at Bluepoint, shared, “We’re thrilled to be recognized once again as a Watch List Company by Training Industry Inc. This honor reflects our deep commitment to empowering leaders through transformative learning experiences. We are grateful to partner with our incredible clients that share this vision and strive to inspire and motivate their leaders.”

Click here for information on the 2023 Leadership Training Watch List Companies.

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