Bluepoint Leadership Development


10 Components of Powerful Leadership Communication

hen we think about leadership communication, we usually focus on presentations and formal written material, however, the real impact comes from the routine conversations leaders have every day with their teams and colleagues. The quality of these conversations often determines the effectiveness of leadership. There are several ways in which leaders can elevate the impact of their conversations and develop their influential communication.

Why is impactful communication so important?

When leaders are great communicators it is beneficial for not just themselves but their teams also. Some of these benefits include:

  • Improved performance and productivity
  • Powerful feedback on key areas for improvement
  • Respect and inspiration for what is being communicated
  • A clear understanding of expectations and how to accomplish them
  • Allows team members to be seen and understood

This complimentary guide will provide you with:

  • Insights into what components powerful conversations are constructed from
  • Actionable tips for improving impactful communication
  • Reflection on ways to improve their daily interactions

According to Gallup, only 7% of U.S. workers strongly agree that communication is accurate, timely and open where they work. This shows there is a great deal of room for improvement in communication which can greatly improve the work environment, morale and overall effectiveness of employees. Clear, effective, and persuasive communication is not just reserved for senior executives though. The need to communicate clearly and in a way that others will remember is a key skill needed at all organizational levels.

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