Bluepoint Leadership Development


Webinar: Constructive Confrontation

Bluepoint’s Constructive Confrontation Webinar has been designed to help leaders at all organization levels make a shift in their ability to constructively confront others at work and, in doing so, significantly increase their interpersonal impact.

Join Gregg Thompson for this webinar as he guides us through an engaging, fast-paced discussion on the practices used by progressive leaders to raise, discuss and resolve difficult emotion-evoking issues.

Key topics will include:

  • The three things that block difficult conversations.
  • Earning the right to confront – the question of character.
  • Dealing with the emotional carnage of confrontation.
  • What is the truth? The explorer’s mindset.
  • The secret sauce: Noble Intention.
  • The most potent of all leadership practices: Telling the truth.

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