Bluepoint Leadership Development


Webinar: Shifting Gears…how to design extraordinary high-potential programs

There was a time when special training programs aimed at managers that were considered to have high-potential, were mostly found in large global companies who had the resources and the will to take a particularly intense focus on talent and succession. Not so anymore. Now it is much more simple; accelerate the development of your high potential talent or someone else will.

So what does a great high potential program look like? We invite you to join us for a webinar during which Gregg Thompson, President of Bluepoint Leadership Development, will discuss the key parameters to consider when creating your own program. Gregg and his design team have been at the leading edge of high potential development for the past 15 years and have partnered with some of the finest companies in the world to create programs that are renowned for producing graduates who truly “shift gears” and move to a whole new level of performance.

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