Bluepoint Leadership Development

Juliette Vigneault-Dubois

Leadership Coach

Juliette Vigneault-Dubois is a Professional Certified Coach (PCC), Certified Professional Co-Active Coach (CPCC) and Team Coach (ORSC). She coaches with international executives, leaders, and managers to unleash their full potential for over 14 years. Juliette also supports international teams to better communicate and collaborate and hence reach better results together. She facilitates groups in collective intelligence and supervised other coaches in their training for “collective intelligence”, and she also has been recruiting new coaches for a premium coaching platform. Juliette accounts for around 2000 hours of personal, professional, leadership and team coaching.

Juliette has always been drawn to supporting the people around her and to how to build good relationships. She followed her calling and founded JVD COACHING in 2010. Today she is certified with the Coaches Training Institute and trained in Co-Active Coaching, ORSC, The Leadership Circle Profile, DISC, PEP, ILP and Lumina Learning. Juliette coaches in English, French and German.

Before founding JVD COACHING Juliette spent several years in the private and public sector as Key Account Manager, Analyst, Consultant and Assisting Trainer. Her academic background is in International Relations (Bachelor of Arts from the Technical University of Dresden; Master of Arts from the University of Toronto). While Germany is her home, Juliette has also lived, worked, and studied in Canada, France, Belgium, Syria, Côte d’Ivoire, Vietnam, and South Africa.

Juliette’s interdisciplinary and intercultural experiences in both the corporate and public world help her move easily in any new institution. She builds on a systemic approach to help improve team communication, embrace diversity and work more effectively with each other. Juliette believes that every voice in a team needs to be heard and that the basis for any successful work is trust, good communication, mutual understanding, and alignment around core outcomes.

Juliette’s rich international experience also serves her well supporting global cosmopolitans to stay true to themselves while living and working abroad. She finds most fulfillment in supporting leaders and managers connecting to their most resourceful self and strengthen their leadership. What is engaging about Juliette is her warm and caring personality as well as her sense of humor. When describing Juliette, most of her clients mention how they felt immediately safe around her. Central coaching topics are: defining your own leadership style, assuming a new position as a team leader, navigating change, social intelligence, moving and working abroad, work-life balance, self-confidence, feedback facilitation, team building, better communication.

Juliette works with multinational corporations as well as international institutions. She is working with team leaders and managers across industries and is trusted by: Allianz, Assystem, Auchan, Axa, Believe Digital, BNP Paribas, BPCE, Colasrail, Chloe, Euler Hermes, Faurecia, Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, Goethe Institut, GIZ, Gucci, HM Clause, IWC, Jaeger-LeCoultre, Lacoste, Chanel, Olam, Richemont, Rigips, Roche, Saint Gobain, Save the Children, Schneider, Sekurit, Sonepar, Veolia, Vinci Ariane.

After a recent team building one of her clients said that “Working with Juliette is very straightforward. She masters team coaching perfectly and always gets the balance right between coach, advisor, facilitator, motivator, and trainer. Her intercultural and language skills make working with her in an international context efficient and effective.”

Juliette loves to reconnect outdoors: swimming in crystal clear lakes, riding her bike or hiking in the quiet nature. Deep meaningful relationships are the center of her life. She is married and grateful to be the mom of her two children.

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