Bluepoint Leadership Development

Larry O’Brien

Senior Facilitator & Leadership Coach

Larry is a Senior Facilitator and Leadership Coach.  He has over 20 years of experience working in various corporate leadership roles where he has led global systems, process, and training implementations. Larry has led global leadership development programs for a Fortune 50 financial services company, where he introduced programs for high-potential leaders and new leaders. These programs continue to be the highest rated programs at the company.

Larry works with leaders who are in a transition such as taking on a new role, leading a new team or need to develop new skills to prepare them for the next level. He coaches leaders in the areas of: Executive Presence, Cultural Intelligence, Change Management and Leadership Effectiveness. He has worked with leaders from Argentina, Brazil, China, France, Germany, Ireland, India, Japan, Mexico, Spain, United States. Larry coaches in both English and Spanish.

Larry was born in Latin America and has lived in Buenos Aires, Argentina and Caracas, Venezuela, and up and down the east coast of the U.S. Given his global upbringing, education and experience, he has expertise in helping leaders harness the full potential of their multi-cultural teams. He believes that cultural intelligence is a critical leadership skill which can be mastered.

Larry holds a Master of Human Resource Management degree from the University of North Florida. He holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Finance from The College of New Jersey. In addition, he is a certified coach by the International Coach Federation.

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