Bluepoint Leadership Development

Seema Sodha

Senior Facilitator & Leadership Coach

Seema is a passionate, heart-led coach and facilitator, known for her ability to create safe spaces that spark deep transformation and breakthroughs. She supports leaders to develop the mindset and heart-set required to lead from purpose, integrity and joy. All of her work contributes to her vision: a world filled with heartcentered leaders who cultivate communities of inclusion and collaboration.

As a Canadian-born, cisgendered woman of South Asian descent, Seema is driven by the belief that diverse backgrounds, beliefs and experiences are assets that leaders and organizations can leverage to create meaningful relationships and get better results. One of her areas of focus has been in helping leaders and underrepresented groups increase their visibility, engagement and promotability.

With strong intuition and a collaborative coaching style, she is dedicated to supporting leaders who are willing to challenge their ways of operating and experiment with new perspectives and behaviors for the sake of creating results that serve a common good.

In addition to being a Professional Certified Coach (PCC, International Coaching Federation), Seema’s credentials include a BSc. in Psychology and Business Management (University of Toronto), Certified Professional Co-active Coach (CPCC, CTI), Certified Practitioner of the Leadership Circle Profile ® 360, Certified Practitioner of Be Well Lead Well Pulse ® and BeAbove Leadership, NeuroTransformational Coaching.

Seema has over a decade of experience in health care and life sciences, with roles in retail, sales and learning and development. In 2011, Seema shifted from corporate leadership roles to executive coaching and leadership development and has delivered live and virtual trainings for 500+ managers and executives in North America, Asia, Europe, Australia and Africa. Seema has undertaken over 700 hours of individual coaching at all levels within organizations as well as entrepreneurs and leaders of start-ups. She also designs and facilitates leader circles, where the emphasis is on deep dialogue, contemplation and learning how to access intuition and wisdom from the field of consciousness.

Her passion is in supporting ambitious leaders on their journey to re-connecting to their natural genius so that they lead from wholeness, authentic expression and confidence. Seema’s clients value her ability to integrate the science with the sacred: traditional coaching methods with eastern spiritual practices for a grounded and holistic experience. Others describe her as intuitive, playful, inspiring, and energetic.

Seema is now happily settled in the Netherlands with her husband and two stepdaughters. When she is not working, you will find her reading, on nature walks, drinking ceremonial cacao or writing her soon-to-be published book on how to lead from the heart in a culture dominated by the mind.

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